Where will the Festival of Regions 2025 take place?
With the upcoming Festival of Regions, we are going to the Innviertel. However, the venue for the 17th Festival of Regions is Braunau am Inn.
What is the Festival of Regions?
A supra-regional and nationwide festival for contemporary culture in Upper Austria, which has been taking place every two years since 1993. It does not buy in finished productions, but provides ways and means to realise ideas developed specifically for the respective festival theme in a free form. The starting point is a socially and culturally controversial question.
What does the Festival of Regions want?
To encourage artists and the population to take the initiative and work together. To build bridges across the boundaries between artists and audiences, art and everyday life, culture and society and the individual artistic disciplines outside of urban centres. Tying in with local and regional circumstances and characteristics.
Who organises the Festival of Regions?
An independent association called the Festival of the Regions with support primarily from the province of Upper Austria.