Catalog 2023 “Höchste Eisenbahn / High Times”
The festival catalog not only documents more than 40 projects of the 16th festival edition and offers readers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the theme “Höchste Eisenbahn / High Times”. At the same time, it provides a look back at 30 years of the Festival of Regions from very different perspectives. With text contributions by: Davide Bevilacqua, Florian Aigner, Radka Denemarková, Lenka Kukurová and Tina Leisch.
Order by e-mail to, cost 27.50 Euro + shipping

Press documents for the Festival of Regions 2025 “Realistic Dreams”
You can download the press documents, photos and graphics for the Festival of Regions 2025 here
PUBLICATION “verflechtn”
Thanks to the cooperation with Local-Bühne Freistadt and Kulturplattform Oberösterreich, the “verflechtn” conference took place during the last festival, bringing together regional and national experts, cultural workers, artists, interested parties and the curious. The conference focussed on exploring and discussing topics such as regional art and cultural work, cultural offerings, initiatives, networking and youth culture. Together, we shared ideas in inspiring exchange formats, exchanged experiences and created new links in the art and culture scene.
The conference resulted in the publication “verflechtn”. It provides an insight into strategies, perspectives and experiences in rural areas.
Download here:Publikation*verflechtn

In co-operation with the Local-Bühne Freistadt and the KUPF OÖ. With support from the federal, state and European Union.
Festival of Regions 23 * in pictures
Jürgen Grünwald & Flora Fellner Fotografie were primarily responsible for the photo documentation. (Use of photos only with credit/caption)
All photos can be found here: to the flickr album

FdR*Festival Trailer
Text and editing: Sara Piñeros Cortés Audio: Alejandro Quiñones
Special thanks to: Österreichisches Filmmuseum – Modellbahnclub BK 1951 Wien –
Find out more about the projects, artists and ideas of the past festival in the FdR*Podcast.
Produced by Freies Radio Freistadt at 107,1 / 103,1 oder 88,4 MHz (FRF) with Sarah Praschak.
→ Click here for the episodes & and for more FdR impressions -> Höchste Eisenbahn-Podcast
*30 years FdR*
DORFTV & Freies Radio Freistadt
Produced by DORFTV & Freies Radio Freistadt
DORFTV 30 Jahre FdR Freies Radio Freistadt auf 107,1 / 103,1 oder 88,4 MHz
Instagram Facebook @festivalderregionen