Archive - Festival der Regionen 2023

Sie befinden sich im Projektarchiv eines vergangenen Festivals.

FDR 2023

Zügige Visionen

© Ms Rara

Being alone and yet together when travelling by train and making the space your own through drawing. When do you ever have the opportunity to paint on the inside of a train window?

It was a joy for us to see how festival visitors and random passengers got involved in our game, collaging thoughts, comments, sketches and drawings onto the windows as the landscape passed by. Reality and fantasy intermingle, past and present enter into dialogue, consciousness and coincidence play together. Special moments manifest themselves in the background and foreground – both in the encounters of the participating people and in the resulting overlays of word and image fragments. And what remains? Surreal memories, photos and videos – and at the end a joint cleaning campaign. Another highlight of the project was the collaboration with Andrea Raber’s class at HTL1 Bau und Design Linz. The resulting short films about travelling by train were presented at the festival.

Here you can listen to the radio report by Regina Picker and Alja Piry about the project “Zügige Visionen”.
Editing: David Huemer


Thanks to: Kristiane Petersmann, Andrea Raber, HTL1 Bau und / and Design Linz, Claudia Prinz, David Huemer I Freies Radio Freistadt



Regina Picker-Webside Performancebrunch-Webside


Alja Piry
works as a visual artist and artistic assistant in various interdisciplinary projects. In her photography series, visual poems, and video essays, she turns to seemingly unimportant phenomena of social, natural, and emotional life, in order to reflect on the positions they hold within the system of values that defines our perception.

Regina Picker is interested in social and scientific topics, and feels particularly strongly about taboos. Her goal is to create space for what is not said and thereby create poetic and performative images. Besides her work as a developer and stage performer, she heads up the format Performance Brunch.

Lucie Kaiserová has a background in graphic design for advertisement, and currently works as an art therapist within the context of outsider art. Her main focus is on the design of living space, and the use of interpersonal artistic and aesthetic values as unifying elements.