Archive - Festival der Regionen 2023

Sie befinden sich im Projektarchiv eines vergangenen Festivals.

FDR 2023

Wir sind am Zug

© DorfTV

Public transport does not only move our bodies from point A to point B, but also opens up the possibility to move forward on a thematic and societal level through encounters.

To hop on a train could also refer to a train of thought and can mean to openly discuss urgent questions together:
how can we overcome these crises together?
How do we want to strengthen social cohesion?
How can what we discuss be made accessible to other people?

The community television station DORFTV traveled along the Summerauerbahn railway line to explore transport and meeting opportunities, artists and cultural creators as well as routes and detours within the festival region. A digital live sculpture was created inside and outside the train, which operated on several levels, including dealing with dead spots and ways around. In parallel, DORFTV set up a pop-up studio in Freistadt and broadcast 8 hours live from the festival. The goal of Wir sind am Zug was to connect people, encourage communication and create space for exchange. This involved not only bringing people together, but also developing staged scenarios and exploring various technical possibilities.


Wir sind am Zug – Interviews with fellow travellers

Wir sind am Zug with Georgie Gold

Wir sind am Zug

Wir sind am Zug – Wetterballon


DORFTV is a non-commercial community television station for Linz and Upper Austria. The broadcasts are aimed at civil society, artists and cultural creators, migrants, and refugees. The aim of DORFTV is to make the cultural and social life in all its different forms visible. Socially and medially marginalised content and communities are particularly taken into account.