As a cooperation between the Local-Bühne Freistadt, KUPF OÖ, and Festival of the Regions, the conference verflechtn brought together regional and supra-regional experts, cultural workers, artists, as well as those interested and curious.
For over thirty years the festival has shown the potential of the free art scene in rural areas again and again, and that rural audiences also want to be able to access challenging artistic productions and analyses.
On the occasion of this anniversary the conference verflechtn was established in order to fulfill this wish for exchange, visibility, and learning from each other. In the course of this, four distinct topics crystallized out of the discussions: Connection and participation, vacancy and space, financial matters, as well as the next generation and diversity.
Project Manager: Katharina Spanlang
supported by Judith Pirklbauer und/and Kuni Wiesmayr
In cooperation with
KUPF OÖ – Kulturplattform Oberösterreich
Localbühne Freistadt
Documentation – Radio FRF (de)
“Tun und Wirken im Kunst – und Kulturbereich”
Die Rolle von Kunst und Kultur in unserer Gesellschaft
Documentation – DORFTV (de)
verflechtn – conference for art and cultural work
verflechtn – conference for art and cultural work | Part 1
verflechtn – conference for art and cultural work | Part 2
Europäische Kommission
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft