Prior to the festival, workshops focusing on human rights will be offered. The 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be made visible through the creative statements formulated by the participants. A new Walk of Human Rights will be established between the Mauthausen Train Station and St. Georgen/Gusen. For each of the 30 Stations along the way, participants will create new texts, which will be presented as Freecards throughout the festival.
Workshop on demand:
Duration: 2 x 2 hours
Part 1: Information about the Region of Awareness and about human rights
Part 2: Texts about human rights
Workshop coordinator: Reinhard Leonhardsberger, SOS Menschenrechte
Target group: 3 Schoolclasses with 20 people, from 16 years
Dates by appointment – registration: info@fdr.at
Cooperation with: Region of Awareness Mauthausen – Gusen – St. Georgen