Archive - Festival der Regionen 2015

Sie befinden sich im Projektarchiv eines vergangenen Festivals.

FDR 2015


Symbolic visualization of the old salt-works at the original location

For centuries Ebensee was dominated by the central salt-works, a striking construction and the most important employment site for many. Today on the salt-works’ site there is a shopping centre, the Ebensee Shopping Park. SalineZentral (CentralSaltWorks) visualizes history and stories of the residents of Ebensee and its environs in a multitude of media: video interviews and video documentation, photography, web-sites, coffee house, catalogue enable a linking to what is past and forgotten, providing space for reflection on work in its many different facets: salt-works’ labour, housework, work in one of the other commercial operations in Salzkammergut, unemployment, commuting to work as well as the forced labour of thousands of prisoners at the Ebensee Concentration Camp and in the tunnels.

For the duration of the Festival of Regions, the salt-works will be visualized again symbolically at the original location: Old Salt-Works, today a shopping centre. Here is to be an interface between personal and collective memory and a gathering place for recollections and stories, not only on the topic of salt-works.

Exhibition: Shopping Centre

With the kind support of Salinen Austria AG and the immotop development company