Words make a mark. Words can dignify or indignify people and their living situations. Words are signs of the “social climate.” They are interpreted, given meaning, lose meaning, are flipped around to take on their opposite meaning. Authors from the PromOtheus literary circle will read their pieces on the “social climate” in order to stimulate reflection. Invite reflection. Agitate and stir things up, demand disagreement and find agreement. The current social situation will be felt in text after text of this reading performance.
Ursula Hirtl (Leonding)
Brigitta Huemer (Bad Leonfelden)
Bruno Mayer (Gramastetten)
Günter Kowatschek (Ennsdorf)
PromOtheus was created in June 2005 and was the first literary circle of its kind in the districts of Freistadt and Linz. It presented the possibility for ambitious writers to foster an exchange between like-minded people, to improve their own abilities or to be available for other participants.
Photo: iStock Zinkevych
No reservation needed for this event!
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