The celebratory opening will be created by Ondamarela and the people of the region. An orchestra – formed in workshops with Tim Steiner and Ricardo Baptista in the months leading up to the Festival – consisting of local residents, will bring together people of all ages and culture backgrounds with and without previous musical training and with different experiences and abilities on stage. The concert will be a hymn to the region and will pay tribute to the creativity of the people that live here. On the evening of the grand opening, the guests will hear a unique composition, which is being developed, composed, and improvised with the orchestra and choir members. The concert will playfully and joyfully incorporate everyone present and become a moment of exchange between the orchestra, audience, and the region. Celebrate your festival with us.
Musicians and Singers Wanted!
Do you want to participate in the citizens’ opening concert? Come and take part!
Workshop timetable:
“Where you sing, let yourself settle…”
For experienced musicians
• Friday, May 24th: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Alevitisches Kulturzentrum, Perg (Technologiepark 20, 4320 Perg)
Open workshop for all musicians
(Dates can be freely selected. You can participate in several or all of the open workshops.)
• Saturday, May 25th: 9 am – noon – Landesmusikschule St.Georgen an der Gusen
• Saturday, May 25th: 3 pm – 6 pm – Landesmusikschule Grein
Open workshop for choirs and everyone that enjoys singing:
• Sunday, May 26th: 3 pm – 6 pm – Kriegergut Perg
Open workshop for all musicians and singers:
• Saturday, June 1st: 9 am – 1 pm – LMS St.Georgen an der Gusen
• Saturday, June 1st: 3 pm – 7 pm – LMS Perg
On June 2nd, 5th, and 6th, evening auditions are possible for avid participants.
Concert rehearsals for all musicians and singers
(as many of these auditions should be visited as possible):
• Thursday, June 20th (holiday): 3 pm – 7 pm – Bezirkssporthalle Perg
• Saturday, June 22nd: 9 am – 1 pm – Bezirkssporthalle Perg
• Sunday, June 23rd: 3 pm – 7 pm – Bezirkssporthalle Perg
• Tuesday, June 25th: 7 pm – 10 pm – Bezirkssporthalle Perg
• Wednesday, June 26th: 7 pm – 10 pm – Bezirkssporthalle Perg
• Thursday, June 27th: Evenings – Freibadgelände Perg (or the Bezirkssporthalle in the case of bad weather)
• Friday, 28.6.: All day – audition and rehearsal (Freibadgelände or the Bezirkssporthalle)
• Friday, 28.6.: 8:30 pm – CONCERT (Freibadgelände or the Bezirkssporthalle)
Ondamarela develops participative and site-specific music projects at the intersection between art, the social, and education. The area where they implement their projects with its inhabitants provides the basis for the innovative and creative projects of Ricardo Baptista, Ana Bragança, and Tim Steiner. Over the last eight years, they have carried out their “Citizens’ Orchestras” for the Council of Europe, the European Capitals of Culture, cultural centers, and a number of festivals in Portugal, Great Britain, Malta, Luxembourg, and Bulgaria.
Ricardo Baptista is a musician, specialized in the conception and development of projects with different collectives. Ana Bragança is a cultural manager, specialized in site-specific, participatory, and interdisciplinary projects. www.ondamarela.pt
Tim Steiner is a composer and conductor. He works on collaborative performances with professionals, amateurs, and beginners, and develops large-scale events with them in which he researches and celebrates topics of diversity and unity. www.timsteiner.co.uk
This project is co-financed through LEADER-subsidies.
Photo: Christian Fürst
No reservation needed for this event!
If you need translation into Austrian Sign Language, please mail to info@fdr.at.