Do you know the tale of the Danube diamonds? Or the one about Blondel, who searched for Lionheart? Have you found the Nibelungen egg yet? These and more stories are depicted in the fifth book of the ASAGAN-series, which is scheduled for release in October 2019. Recognized as “one of Austria’s most beautiful books,” the series is lovingly and elaborately decorated with 100–500 year-old prints, with heroes both great and small depicted. An illustrated lexicon will accompany the new adventures of Grein and the Danube. For all stories – like the old legends – have a true essence and tell (yet) unknown tales about known places. The illustrations will be exhibited at the Stadttheater Grein, where also the music group Donaupiraten, along with Wolfang Hartl and Erika Friedl, will present songs and new stories of the Danube and of Grein. For readers and audience members from 5 to 105 years of age.
Wolfgang Hartl travels through time and space with his books. The fifth book in his Asagan series will be released in October 2019 and deals with story/ies of Grein. He has illustrated the nine new adventures with Erika Friedl, featuring heroes great and small, with prints that are up to 500 years-old.
Cooperation with Stadttheater Grein.
Additional to the opening hours will the exhibition be open during events in the Stadttheater Grein.
Photo: Wolfgang Hartl