Archive - Festival der Regionen 2017

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FDR 2017

Angezählt/Counted out

The walk-in sound installation “Angezählt / Counted out“ returns a discovery from the archives of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, a voice recording of Italian prisoners of war in Marchtrenk from the year 1918, to its recording location. Inside the prisoner camp’s historic water tower, it gives a voice back to the persons who back then were forcibly studied. By alluding to the counting-out of fighters fallen to the ground, but also to the counting and talking voices themselves, the human perseverance of “uninvited guests” is acknowledged.

Original recordings, translation from Italian: Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

With the friendly support of Museumsverein Marchtrenk – Welser Heide