By Teresa Distelberger / Mario Sinnhofer aka Touched
In collaboration with the headdress and traditional garb groups of the Perg district. Traditional garb is often seen as the uniform-like clothing of a particular region. What does it mean to find an individualized version of one’s own traditional garb in which other roots or affiliations can become visible? How can a headdress look in which inner wealth beyond money or gold can be expressed? What is possible if seemingly contradictory styles are combined in an unusual but meticulous way? Traditional, urban, quirky, transgender, multiculturally mixed – anything is possible and will be tried out. This playful approach to one’s own understanding of homeland will be grounded in subtle, deep-rooted conversation techniques. It is thus not unlikely to find unexpected nutrients in your own home’s soil. Even if – or perhaps precisely when – the word homeland itself brings up a sense of dread.
15.6. 10 am – 6 am at Jägerwirt – registration: mairhofer@fdr.at