From 14:00 a grand opening parcours invites visitors to get to know the festival projects. Free Entry!
The tone for the opening is set by the Austrian premiere of Marta Górnicka’s “Hymn to Love”, “a work about a Europe that closes ranks.” at 19:00 at KulturRaum TRENK.S Ticket reservation here
The opening ceremony in the presence of the federal minister Thomas Drozda, Max Hiegelsberger, member of the provincial government of Upper Austria for governor Thomas Stelzer, with an opening speech by the political scientist and journalist Sibylle Hamann, music from “Klingenden Haus” by Götz Bury and a “Making of” by dorf.tv. on the development of the festival takes place from 20:30 in the festival centre in Welser Straße. Free Entry!