Here you can find additional information about the Festival der Regionen 2023
SHUTTLE SERVICE For some events, which are hard to reach via public transport, a shuttle service will be available (no charge for FdR*Ticket owner). Registration is necessary. Register here.
Fri 23.6.–Sun 25.6. from 12.00–18.00
Mon 26.6.–Thu 29.6. from 16.00–20.00
Fri 30.6.–Sun 2.7. from 12.00–18.00
Pfarrkirche Kefermarkt: täglich 09.00–18.00
Whether at the Info-Point Linz, Freistadt or Gallneukirchen: our team is available to all festival visitors* during opening hours and will be happy to assist with any concerns regarding the program, the creation of an individual route (timetable) and questions regarding FdR*Tickets.
FdR*Tickets can be purchased at all Info-Points (cash payment only).
LINZ HBF Bahnhofshalle Resch & Frisch Fr 23.6.–So 25.6. von 10.00–18.00 Mo 26.6.–Do 29.6. von 15.00–20.00 Fr 30.6.–So 2.7. von 10.00–18.00
FREISTADT Salzhof Fr 23.6.–So 25.6. von 10.00–18.00 Mo 26.6.–Di 27.6. von 15.00–20.00
GALLNEUKIRCHEN Former Firestation Fr 30.6.–So 2.7. von 10.00–18.00
MEDIATION & TOURS Information about the focus program as well as mediation-offers by artists and members of the Programmboard are available online, at all Infopoints an under
GET-TOGETHERS The get-togethers (focus days) provide input on the respective projects in the presence of the artists & initiatives involved from the entire festival region. In addition to exhibition tours and dialogues, there are also artist talks, concerts and culinary delights.
FdR*Tip: Here you can also get our FdR*Merch (fancy socks & t-shirts).
Our friendly station attendants are available at the FdR*stations in Steyregg, Lungitz, Gaisbach-Wartberg and Kefermarkt. They are the contact persons for information about the exhibitions and the extensive festival program. At the FdR*stations all festival visitors* can look forward to refreshing drinks, served cool. In addition, each station offers sunshades and comfortable seating to enjoy the festival atmosphere in a relaxed way.
FdR*Tipps for culinary delights:
ACCOMMODATION Accomoodation possibilities can be found via Mühlviertel Tourismus ( and Linz Tourismus (
FdR*GREENEVENT The Festival der Regionen is a Green Event. This means, that during the whole organisation and festival, ecological and economical sustainability are key aspects.

+43 677 615 420 47
Mon-Fri 15.00-18.00
from 23.6. – 2.7. daily 15.00-18.00
Program may be subject to change
Photographs and films will be taken during the festival for documentation purposes and for future advertising purposes (print and online). We ask for your understanding that people from the audience may also be photographed.