If you get on the train in Linz, you have just under two hours to lose yourself in the rolling hills of the Innviertel region before arriving at FdR*25 in Braunau.
Realistic dreams – “Gedächnisluckn”
The festival can be seen as a playing field on which dreams and utopias are tested for their feasibility and durability.
It can also do a lot in the long term!
Otto Tremetzberger (Managing Director of the Festival of Regions (FdR)) in conversation with Mieze Medusa. About regions and their networking, about the independent scene and perseverance that pays off, the important difference between uncertainty, insecurity and dissatisfaction.
Collaborative work (Zusammenspannwerk)
About opportunities for participation: become part of the Festival of Regions (FdR).
Mischmaschinn: Questions for the programme board
Questions to the programme board
Nueva Braunau
Here are a few stories.
Braunau/Simbach: Inseparable like Linz and Urfahr
In an interview with Johannes Waidbacher (mayor of Braunau) and Klaus Schmid (mayor of Simbach), we wanted to find out more about the intensive cross-border cooperation between Braunau and Simbach and how the FdR could impact them.
Keep it realistic. Dream on!
Dreaming realistically? Paradoxical. And for that very reason, a motto that perfectly fits the times. A dream is a hallucinatory experience, a mixture of mental digestion and exercise. From here, there is a direct path to art. But, but.
“Never judge Braunau by its cover”
Hanna Kirmann and Nina Lucia Groß will be part of the Festival of Regions in Braunau. The city is not unfamiliar territory for the two of them – quite the opposite. They grew up in the city. We asked them to tell us more about themselves and the festival location.