“Banquet on banquet”: A feast for everyone
In 2025, the city of Braunau am Inn will become a (positive) projection surface for utopias and dreams. Our aim as a festival is to create a place where other approaches and solutions can be implemented. Once again, Festival 2025 is about building bridges.
One example of this is an extraordinary festival that we are hosting on the banks of the Inn in Braunau in 2025. In 2015, the Inn bridge was the border crossing between Braunau and Simbach am Inn during the refugee crisis and was frequently closed to control new arrivals and supporters.
An open feast for everyone
Lisa Bolyos and Natalie Deewan were at work back then. Next summer, the two artists will be organizing an open feast for everyone with the project “Banquet on banquet – 10 Years of the Summer of Migration” – as a tribute to a time when migration changed the region forever.
On the banks of the Inn, visitors can look forward to a long table laden with regional specialties – the food comes from local farms such as the Bretterbauer organic farm.
Five authors who came to the German-speaking literary world in 2015 will read short stories in German, translated into Arabic and Farsi, and invite us to talk together about the relationship between dreams, reality and memory. The project is also a memorial to the Syrian-Austrian author Jad Turjman, who inspired the literary world with his texts and stories and died in an accident in the Alps in 2022. A celebration that evokes the positive spirit of 2015 and opens up perspectives for the future.
From mid-November, we will present all other participating Artists.
Photo: This “double-headed eagle” fluttered in front of the lens of the two artists when they visited the location directly on the Inn bridge (Braunau side).