The assumed, the real, the absurd Ebensee — fictitious documentation of a valley and a festival
Live points of access to what is happening. Subjective perspectives. Encounters with people and places. A user-generated multiple eye on Ebensee and the festival — for which Ebensee residents and the festival’s public can also contribute their own perspectives with clips from their mobile phones. As lively and collaborative documentation. Realized and non-realized projects. Transmitted on dorf tv and streamed on the Web. Slogging Away in Ebensee. But who still works here? Haven’t machines long since taken over the work? Former factories lie dormant. And the people here in the valley resist with tradition. But what will be the future of this valley? Soft or intrusive tourism? A recreational museum with former salt-works, consumption and Ebensee Cinema? Or will a completely new future break out? What will remain, where are the potentials for future production? Or are people here only producing the bits and pieces of a past? What’s here? And what happens when art comes to town for ten days? How does a valley emigrate and what could the near future look like?