The Wärmegreißlerei will travel throughout the region of Perg-Strudengau as a mobile kiosk, collecting different voices on the topic of social warmth. Beforehand, the questions of which negative effects a lack of social warmth could have on a society and which effective counter-perspectives could exist for preventing them will be developed with local residents, schools, associations, and interested individuals. During the Festival, the Wärmegreißlerei will appear in different locations of the region daily, situating itself as the hub for requests and offers of social warmth for the residents and festival guests. In the end, all of the results, ideas, and experiences of the Wärmegreißlerei will be collected and bound as a book of “the knowledge of the many for the well-being of everyone.”
With the knowledge of the many for the well-being of everyone: Your voice for the future!
The Wärmegreißlerei will travel throughout the region of Perg-Strudengau as a mobile kiosk, collecting numerous different voices on the topic of social warmth for the Festival of the Regions. Months before the Festival began, the Wärmegreißlerei was underway in the region, searching for ideas, inspirations, and visions with residents, schools, associations, and people interested in the ideas of how a common future could look, one in which we and our future generations would like to live.
The future can certainly seem grim. Sometimes it almost seems as if social warmth no longer has any place left in our society. Most people agree on the point that a society without social warmth is not a desirable one.
Departing from that idea, the Wärmegreißlerei already approached residents in 2018 with short interviews, asking them questions regarding the aspects of dualism between social warmth / social coldness. These showed that a lack of social warmth causes fear and is associated with notions such as isolation, obliteration or war. Social warmth is associated with one’s own family, friends, with social engagement in the community, and participation in social events. Connectedness to nature in the region, between the river landscape of the Danube and the surrounding hill country of the Mühlviertel, was also mentioned.
A series of workshops in schools, social and cultural organizations, and associations of the region will take places in continual preparation for the Festival. They will pursue the question of which negative effects a lack of social warmth can have on a society and which effective and viable conceptual counter-perspectives there could be.
“What do each of us need and what can we offer in order to anchor social warmth in the lives of the many?”
The Wärmegreißlerei will appear daily in different locations in the region during the Festival, thereby creating a hub for requests and offers of social warmth.
All of the Wärmegreißlerei’s results, ideas, and experiences will be collected in the end and bound as a book of “the knowledge of the many for the well-being of everyone.”
Time’s Up was founded in 1996 and works on socially relevant issues at the junctures between art, technology, knowledge and communication on interactive and transmedia art and cultural projects.
Time’s Up is supported by the Federal Chancellery of Austria, Linz Kultur, Land OÖ, Linz AG, and Emporia Telecom.
Photo: Time’s Up
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