turn | table | tennis is an event format that playfully combines societal concerns with artistic and cultural aspirations – in the form of table tennis. In truth, the title is self-explanatory: a table tennis table and a DJ setup create a relaxed atmosphere that invites people to stay.
DJ Crew: abby lee tee, DJ Andaka, memet acuma, DJ Kazpa, mudaki
The musician Fabian Holzinger, the costume and stage designer Angelika Daphne Katzinger, the curator Memet Acuma, and the cultural activist Felix f!no Vierlinger are all connected through their love for DJing. Together they can pull off an expert balancing act between the genres of Funk, Soul, Ambient, Club, and Dance music. It is this varieté of musical playing grounds that the event format turn | table | tennis was dedicated to when it was formed in 2013.