Archive - Festival der Regionen 2023

Sie befinden sich im Projektarchiv eines vergangenen Festivals.

FDR 2023

Time Play

© Wannes Deneer

JUMP, STOP, HIGH, WOW! Time Play was a site-specific performance in which two dancers playfully challenged each other and also the audiences. Inspired by various children’s games, a ping-pong duet of words and movements was created. Back and forth, from front to back and over and over again. On the forecourt of Linz Central Station, the audience was encouraged to join in and actively engage with the dancers through interactive tasks.

Concept: Dafne Maes & Danaé Bosman (LAP)
Choreography: Danaé Bosman
Dance and tasks: Magali Casters, Lara Deruyter und Dafne Maes
Music: Linde Carrijn
Costumes: Elise Goedgezelschap
Technique: LAP

In Kooperation mit SCHÄXPIR Theaterfestival für junges Publikum 



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