Archive - Festival der Regionen 2023

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FDR 2023

Lipno, zrcadlo historie 20. století

Lipno_Post Bellum
© Lipno_Post Bellum

Post Bellum
Lipno, zrcadlo historie 20. století

The exhibition was the most recent work in the region around Lake Lipno and tells the story of a historical change of settlers along the border, especially in the first years after the end of the Second World War. At that time, the region, which had been inhabited mainly by German-speaking families for many generations, was emptied by the expulsion of Czech Germans from liberated Czechoslovakia.

They have tried to tell the story of the expelled Germans and Austrians and the very difficult repopulation of this emptied region by newcomers from the inner regions of Czechoslovakia and also by Romanian-Slovak people who were invited from abroad to repopulate the country. They also tried to tell the stories of the brave people who tried to overcome the Iron Curtain and about the construction of the largest Czech dam – Lake Lipno, which changed the landscape of Šumava forever. You will have to decide for yourself in the exhibition whether we have succeeded in doing so.

This project took place as part of the opening ceremony in Horní Dvořiště.

Artist Webside
Credits Artikelbild: Lipno_PostBellum 2