Archive - Festival der Regionen 2015

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FDR 2015

Thirty years later

Text-image work about what has been lost (from sight)

The artist, author and philosopher, Judith Fischer, lived in Ebensee from the age of two to the age of eighteen. From a distance of thirty years, 1985-2015, she undertakes visual and written research into what has disappeared in Ebensee: “When we go through a place in which we lived for a long time, having left it long ago, then thirty years later we see buildings and things and structures and traces of events that are no longer visible to the naked eye. The cognitive visual perceptions are overlaid by our visual memories which are also synaesthetic: the gentle angel in the Reischauer Café (an ice-cream specialty); Beserlpark; small cable-cars transporting rubble through the locality; the railway crossing; the photo shop from which one day the owner simply disappeared without a trace and had to be closed; ice skating on Offensee, bathing in Langbathsee, the former concentration camp with the family homes on it; the albatross on the Traun Bridge on my way to school; the Solvay library; the sour sausage at Antenoasch; the thicket down at Sauzipf; the indoor swimming pool; the austere autumn; the salt-works’ warehouses adjacent to the swamp full of leeches…”. The results of the research will be presented in an analogue slide show with a reading of short texts, a brochure and a series of posters.

Graphic design and realisation: Manuel Radde