Archive - Festival der Regionen 2023

Sie befinden sich im Projektarchiv eines vergangenen Festivals.

FDR 2023

30 Jahre Festival der Regionen

For the 30th anniversary of the Festival of the Regions, the system analyst and diagram researcher Gerhard Dirmoser created a study of every festival project that took place between 1993 and 2023. The results of this study were then transformed into a spatial installation by the artist and designer Gerald Priewasser-Höller.

The study is based on the contents of festival catalogues and articles found on the internet, as well as video documents from DORFTV. As the order of the catalogues was adopted, the four part “theatre of memory” can also be used as an overarching index. Apart from keywords written down by former directors of the festival, striking formulations from the project descriptions were used as a basis to create an overarching “semantic network”.

The selection of the texts captures important aspects of single projects, whereby the selection was also more defined by reading appeal, rather than a neutral concept textualisation.



Documentation – FRF (de)

30 Years FdR: Andi Wahl in dialogue with Franz Prieler

Documentation – FRF (de)

30 Years FdR: Andi Wahl in dialogue with Otto Tremetzberger


30 years * FdR Analyse 30 years * FdR Theater 30 YEARS FdR by DORFTV


Gerhard Dirmoser has been active as a system analyst for about forty years. Since 1980 he has also worked on projects in the fields of art and culture, for example in the form of studies of the Ars Electronica, on performance art, and on diagram art. Since 2002 he has been collecting and researching diagrams, among others in the context of the project Die Welt der Atmosphären (2001-2006) and the exhibition art diagrams in context (2018).
Gerhard Dirmoser-Webside

“art diagrams in context” Gerhard Dirmoser
Gerald Priewasser-Höller studied at the Art University in Linz and at the Zurich University of the Arts. He has worked for the Ars Electronica GmbH Linz and as a board member for the Festival of the Regions, where he is currently active in an advisory position. He is self-employed, designs spaces according to their contents, and approaches his productions between art, architecture, and design equally in a philosophically analytical and an experimental manner.
Gerald Priewasser-Höller-Webside