Female personalities are highly under-represented as name-sakes for streets and squares: out of the circa 190 streets in Freistadt, around 60 are named after men, yet only three carry the name of a woman. This striking imbalance was addressed by the collective Fraustadt Freistadt with festivities in the Frauengasse and an occupation of the Frauentor.
Surrounding the festively decorated and illuminated Böhmertor in the Böhmergasse – named Frauentor and Frauengasse in the Middle Ages – there was a broad range of events: brass band musicians and Bauernkrapfen met drummers and African specialties, a performance by Ulrike Hager followed by a concert by Mamma Fatale, the DJ duo CAORLI invited guests onto the dance floor and local winemakers offered their wines. The MÜK – Mühlviertel Kreativ Haus was involved with a cultural station and in collaboration with the Zeugfärberei Gutau, handkerchiefs printed with feminist quotes were presented under the slogan Something to Cry About/With.
Programm schedule
Entrance of the Women’s Saxophone Ensemble of the Stadtkapelle Freistadt, Statements of the Fraustadt-Frauen about the gate occupation, Concert Mamma Fatale, Performance Ulrike Hager „untragbar:TUCH“, Concert Mamma Fatale & DJ-Duo Caorli – Dance at the Frauentor
Supporting Program
Kulturhaltestelle MÜK
„Es ist zum Weinen“ Handkerchiefs with feminist quotes
Culinary delights: Austrian female winemakers, African specialties, Bauernkrapfen
Idea and realisation: Aktionsgruppe Fraustadt Freistadt
Elvira Fleischanderl, Hedi Hofstadler, Christine Lasinger, Heidemarie Pöschko, Julia Schober, Barbara Tröls, Conny Wernitznig
The collective Freistadt Fraustadt was founded in 2020 with the expressed goal to put a larger public focus on women and their diverse lived realities and to strengthen networking processes among women and their initiatives.
On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the city of Freistadt, Fraustadt Freistadt held an action in March 2020 on the topic of women that included exhibitions, workshops, and women salons every day. In 2021, Fraustadt Freistadt initiated a special issue of the Freistädter Geschichtsblätter, that was published by Nicole Wegscheider from the Schlossmuseum Freistadt in collaboration with the municipality of Freistadt. Throughout it’s long history of the Freistädter Geschichtsblätter this was the first time that women were the focus of historical research. In 2022, Fraustadt Freistadt was able to achieve another landmark success in the form of the inauguration of three streets named after women. Before this, of the circa 190 streets of Freistadt, only one was na- med after a female personality.
With support from the federal, state and European Union.